Most people like a good mystery. They are great for surprise parties, novels, and movies. However, if your roof is leaking, a mystery can bring misery. If you are trying to find the source of the leak in your roof, there are a few common areas to inspect.

Make a Visual Assessment

It is a good idea to take a trip up to the attic. While it is not a good idea to get on top of your roof without proper experience, you can look at the underside of your roof’s sheathing. Make sure you watch out for any condensation present in the attic. This can begin to drip down, pool and a leak may develop in the ceiling below. You may not think it is a roof leak, but the cause is inadequate ventilation, which helps to trap moist, warm air rising from below. This is usually a problem in the winter, and the condensation may lead to the development of mildew and mold. This is why it is so important to clear the ends of your rafters where they meet the exterior walls and to keep the ridge vents clear.

Look at the Gutter

If you think there is a roof leak near the exterior walls, you may want to look to the gutters. If they have become clogged, water will be unable to move off of the roof and away from the foundation. Water that backs up behind the fascia, which is the exterior trim located behind the gutter, can seep into the space between the exterior walls. You should keep your gutters clear or hire the professionals to help with this.

Call the Professionals

In some cases, a leak is going to need the evaluation services of the professionals. Some specific issues should only be evaluated by the professionals, which include:

  • Cracked flashing: Metal present in the valleys and around several of the roof projections may become worn.
  • Cracked vent boots: Present around vent pipes and sanitary stacks, this soft rubber may become brittle over time.
  • Separated chimney: The chimney of your home may pull away from the roof, allowing water to move in.
  • Blunt trauma to the shingles: The roof may sustain damage because of falling limbs.
  • Skylights: Regardless of if it is from improper installation or age, skylights are another area where water may move in a leaking roof.

When it comes to roof leaks, being able to find the issue is a top priority. There are several reasons that water may be moving into your home and finding the source may present a challenge. If you are unable to determine where the water is coming from, it is best to call a professional for help.