We are Pyramid Proud to stick together while staying apart. One of the best attributes of our country is our ability to rise despite adversity. Our perseverance seems to be fueled by any threat to our strength in numbers as a nation and our resolve to be the best of the best. As all of us were recently called to search ourselves for our role in uncharted territory, it became difficult not to be inspired and burdened to make a difference wherever possible.

Pyramid Roofing is blessed to be essential during COVID-19 and we remain thankful for the opportunities to provide the best roofing solutions throughout this journey. We pride ourselves on being the best in the roofing industry but our passion is to serve our community that we feel so blessed to be a part of. We are honored to support those heroes on the front lines through local business partners during this Pandemic. #PyramidProud #payitforward

Pyramid Roofing & the KC Community

Neigborhood Café in Lee’s Summit, MO used our investment to provide meals to the heroes of the night shift at Truman Lakewood Health Center.

kansas city community

The Whistle Stop and Mercantile in Lee’s Summit used our investment to treat the teachers in the community to a complimentary coffee as a thank you for their constant dedication and hard work to help all the kids finish strong.

Love At First Bite in Olathe used our investment to feed the heroes on the front line at Olathe Medical.

Nellie’s Sweet Shoppe in Smithville used our investment and matched it to honor the 2020 Graduates of Smithville High School, Teachers of the district, and the local law enforcement with the treat of a complimentary Ice Cream cone.

We are so thankful to be making a difference in the Kansas City Community beyond roofing!